Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nothing Is Too Big or Too Small for the Lord

God wants to help us with our daily tasks and obstacles, but we need to ask Him for help. I remember when Jim and I first moved into our miracle house, I was so looking forward to getting to decorate. However, once we moved in and I had the freedom to unleash "my" creativity, I started becoming frustrated because there were so many directions I could go with my purchases. I knew I liked the Pottery Barn look, but I wasn't so sure how to accomplish that (and I had a budget). For some reason, I was always drawn to purchasing mirrors and candle stands.... yet we all know that there are many other purchases needed when decorating and furnishing a home besides mirrors and candle holders. :) One day after feeling frustrated, I remember sitting in my bathroom and just telling God how frustrated I was and that I needed His help. And that is what I should have been doing all along, because my level of decorating "know how" and ideas only went so far...despite all of the books at Barnes and Noble I looked through, no matter how many times I visited Pottery Barn, and no matter how much I admired Candace Olson. (Her book is still in my collection of decorating books.) What I really needed was God's help. And it was not long after that, that the ideas started coming, and the layouts became more than I ever thought possible. I realized then and have learned many other times (including my wedding planning) that just as my mother in law, Nancy, learned from God: "Nothing is too small for Him to help us with." We often only think we need to call on Him for major troubles (and, yes, we do need Him then too), but He so wants to be a part of our everyday lives if we'll just ask Him. I certainly found decorating less frustrating after that. I learned then and continue to that having God's help in the details really improves the situation tremendously. Will my house necessarily look like one of those "Million Dollar Spaces" on HGTV? (Who knows?! Maybe, one day I'll have one of those. Lol.) But better yet, whether my home is large or small, I'd rather have one that is filled with God's peace and His love, and where He is welcome to use it to bring joy and refreshment to others....Oh, and one where He is welcome to intervene in the decorating. :) "...Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6 KJV)

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